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I created a normal user along with my admin user to test upvotes, in my localhost.

When I upvote I get an error and when I try to post a question too. What might be wrong?



Q2A version: latest, downloaded 06-21-13
I think this error happened with someone don't remember but you may be able to find by search option here..

1 Answer

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None of those answers seens to relate with solving the problem. My instalation is new and does not integrate with WP yet :-(
@jatin.soni I created the users Robot and Teste, but I see the users table and they're not there, only the user I created on install. BUT I am logging with them ok, is it because I installed the multisite plugin?
That is hard to say but cross check your wp path and also check what Gideon said in his answer here http://question2answer.org/qa/1727/cannot-ask-question-foreign-key-error?show=1731#a1731
Should I wait for 1.6 release before publishing my Q2A site?