Ahhh, RuByOnR3iLs. The proponents of Discourse expect that "Darling Of The Moment" will still be around, and in favor, a decade from now eh?
I grabbed a copy of its code from Github & skimmed through it. Out of the gate, its codebase spans 3250+ files. "Platform-ey", reminds me of CakePhp, CodeIgnitorajiggerator. Who can see the forest through the trees in all that spaghetti?!? Within the first few files I skimmed, I encountered cutesie shite like "Harvey Dent . . . District Attorney". Coders in love with their oh-so-clever code? Instead of simply calling a native function, let's call the Beauracracy class, instantiate a districtAttorney object, file a petition for a printing permit.... sheesh! I would loathe trying to backtrace that sort of code in an attempt to debug, or extend, it.