i think we can use Question2answer as blog publishing application.
why we use Question2answer as blog publishing application ?
1. we have a best community to solve our problem.
2. others cms (wordpress and joomla) have more possibility to hack.
3. we have the Permissions to manage roles like who can post, comments etc
4. q2a based website gets best seo.
5. it have best admin panel (easy to modify)
6. there are some best features in comparison of others
How we can use Question2answer as blog publishing application ?
1. first manage the Permissions
Viewing question pages: Anybody
Asking questions: experts, editors,moderators, admin
Answeing questions: experts, editors,moderators, admin
Adding comments: registertered users
Voting on questions: registertered users and email confirmed & enough point (set max points)
Voting on answers: registertered users and email confirmed & enough point (set max points)
2. Allow comments on questions
if you want to try this i will make a good theme for this.
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