This is the error:
Question2Answer fatal error:
Could not send email confirmation
Stack trace:
require() /home/lawstr/public_html/index.php:31
require() /home/lawstr/public_html/qa-include/qa-index.php:163
qa_get_request_content() /home/lawstr/public_html/qa-include/qa-page.php:755
require() /home/lawstr/public_html/qa-include/qa-page.php:188
qa_send_new_confirm() /home/lawstr/public_html/qa-include/qa-page-confirm.php:50
Here is how to reproduce it:
0- in admin>permission set the "who can ask question" to users with confirmed emails
1- create a user account using your email, e.g
2- you will see that everything goes fine and you can ask for re-sending the confirmation of email, etc.
create a facebook account using same email address (
now try to login using that facebook account.
you accept the facebook app and so for no problem.
Q2A will ask you for confirming your email address then, ( or you can ask a question for undernith recaptcha you can click for confirming the email address)
now if you ask for resending the confim email, that error above raises
because these two accounts were both created using same email address, therefore the q2a instead of complaining at the time of register using facebook login, simply replaced the email address of the second account with blank!""
and sending email to blank email address casues that error!

you can see it for yourself, the second account's email which was created by facebook registration has an email of blank!
clicking on the send confirmation link keads to this error that was generated on question2answer website:

PS: I am using
Thank you Gid for your time in advance.