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Creating a responsive theme for Q2A, its customizable but spend lot of time for understanding it.

I found some useless things in the theme function like "using many usless form FORM". Due to form it is very hard to rearrange them for new layout. 

Anyway if anybody want to remove that, you can follow this step:

like if want to remove FORM from favourite button, find this in base theme file:

if (isset($favorite))
                $this->output('<FORM '.$favorite['form_tags'].'>');


if (isset($favorite))

remove them.

and now simply paste this in advance theme file:

        function favorite_button($tags, $class)
            if (isset($tags))
                $this->output('<A '.$tags.' CLASS="'.$class.
                    '-button" onmouseover="this.className=\''.$class.'-hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\''.$class.'-button\';"> Favourite</A>');

All done :-), Remember never edit base theme file, use you theme override file for customize.

Happy coding

Q2A version: latest

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