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+3 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Saw a question on q2a site showing the infoline like:

---> asked 12 minutes ago by anonymous – edited 4 minutes ago by me <---

But it wasn´t my question. So it should not show "edite by me".
This is just an information, not a question.


now, a few minutes later it seems to be ok, it now shows:

<--- asked 23 minutes ago by anonymous – edited 15 minutes ago by anonymous --->

UPDATE 2: The error can be reproduced. It seems that as long as I am logged in the info line is correct, but if I am logged out this error occurs.
It is not a big problem, but if a new user would read that line, he would not know how to understand that.

If You want to try that yourself, question number was 1960.

Very best regards

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Great catch! I'll fix this for the (inevitable) version 1.2.1 release.

In the meantime you can fix it by changing this line in qa-app-format.php:

$fields['who_2']=qa_who_to_html($post['lastuserid']==$userid, $post['lastuserid'], $usershtml, null, false);

... to ...

$fields['who_2']=qa_who_to_html(isset($userid) && ($post['lastuserid']==$userid), $post['lastuserid'], $usershtml, null, false);
Thank You for the fast reply, I will try it out.