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+13 votes
in Q2A Core by

Hello All,

I have ported Twitter Bootstrap to Q2A v1.5.3

Download it from GitHub: https://github.com/harshjv/q2a-bootstrap

Though it requires some core files to be modified, you have to first back up your current installation.

Other instructions found on GitHub, I have provided Readme.md

Here are some screen shot of it:

Q2A-Bootstrap Theme View by Harsh Vakharia

/////////////////////////////////OTHER SCREENSHOT/////////////////////////////////////////

Q2A-Bootstrap Theme View by Harsh Vakharia

Q2A version: 1.5.3
Maybe you can provide a demo site? your own site?
I don't have stuff to start a demo WEBSITE i.e. hosting package, sorry
Please am having difficulty installing this theme i uploaded it to the qa-plugin folder but isn't showing up in the general admin theme menu ,plz help o.
thank you shiyie for giving it a try,
You need to replace all the files provided with the theme("http://GitHub.com/harshjv/q2a-bootstrap") with your Q2A Installation.
You don't have to place this files in qa-plugin folder.
Just replace the whole installation with theme files.
Then, go to admin->general and apply q2a-bootstrap theme.
******************* important***********
Make sure, you have a BACKUP of whole Q2A installation before proceed with theme installation.
***** for more info, please visit GitHub project******
Thank you for your reply,with your help i have installed it successfully,but the widget positions are not working.please help me out o,and also how can i create a home page for non logged users(i mean the landing homepage before registration or login because i want to make it a private site.
And also please how can i change the facebook and twitter link in footer to my own  username
Hi harshjv,
any updates from Q2A1.6.3?
amazing theme.. we'd love to see an update!

5 Answers

+2 votes
Looks pretty good! The only thing I don't like is all the coloured backgrounds on the "meta" info, i.e. "asked 19 minutes ago by username", looks quite bad with each phrase having different backgrounds.
Will be updated in new release...
0 votes
Nice theme, nerver seen before, fully renewed, fully customized, nice1
Thank you. Glad that you like it.
0 votes
Looks good. Shame it modifies the core though - which is something I try to avoid. ;-(
+1 vote
Looks good , but please stop hacking the core , it kills kittens...
+3 votes
Nice work!

But instead of shaming you for modifying core files, I'd better try draw Gideon's (the author of Q2A) attention to the BIG problem - it is impossible to make a really good custom theme for Q2A without modifying core files!

There are a lot of HTML rendering being done in the core and you can't change it without hacking inside. I'd like to make a proposition, that ALL HTML should be rendered as a part of theme. Basic HTML rendering, that is being thought as common for all themes and is rendered within a core now, should be refactored as ViewHelpers (or at the simpliest case as a part of qa_theme_base class), that can be easily overridden by theme creator.
Is that still the case in 1.6.2?
I don't know. I'm still on my own fork of 1.5.4 because of that :(