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QA instalation with Wordpress in a /qa directory

When I access the user page from the user list http://leakygutresearch.com/qa/users which works OK

it generates the correct url to the user page http://leakygutresearch.com/qa/user/martin

when I acces it from the questions page http://leakygutresearch.com/qa/questions

or the individual question page http://leakygutresearch.com/qa/26/what-are-the-qualifications-of-those-answering-questions

it resolves to http://leakygutresearch.com/user/martin which gives me a 404 error

I have experimented a lot with htaccess with no success probably due to server (or my knowledge) limitations.

Is there some other place (database , php files or elsewhere) where the correction could be made?

Q2A version: 1.5.2
this function in qa-app-format.php needs to be rewritten in order to include "qa/" at the beginning of the usershtml. Can anyone help?

    function qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $postuserid, $usershtml, $ip=null, $microformats=false)
    Return array of split HTML (prefix, data, suffix) to represent author of post
        if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
        if (isset($postuserid) && isset($usershtml[$postuserid])) {
            if ($microformats)
                $whohtml='<SPAN CLASS="vcard author">'.$whohtml.'</SPAN>';

        } elseif ($isbyuser)

        else {
            if (isset($ip))
                $whohtml=qa_ip_anchor_html($ip, $whohtml);
        return qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/by_x', $whohtml);

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