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Need When user clicks on a question , answers to question and comments are displayed. Where we need to look for code for this

1 Answer

+2 votes
I'm not understanding you... when you click a question it already displays the answers and comments. What do you want to do that's different?

Anyway, the code for the question is in the file qa-includes/qa-page-question.php. The code that actually outputs the HTML is in your theme file, i.e. qa-theme/<YOUR THEME>/qa-theme.php (although most will be in qa-includes/qa-theme-base.php).
Hi DisgruntledGoat, I want to show set of questions with answers and comments in single page, like all questions with answers and comments under one category in single shot with paging.
That's why i asked. But i donno where to start and how to. If you can give small guidance, that will be so great full! :)
