In the qa-plugin folder, open qa-wysiwyg-editor.php
Search for the line with entities:false in it and add a NEW line after this line.
In the new line add the following code
", removeDialogTabs:'image:advanced'".
Save the file to your server.
You can also remove other tabs from the Image Properties dialog box, as follows:
", removeDialogTabs:'image:advanced;image:Link'".
", removeDialogTabs:'image:advanced;image:Upload'".
The first one removes Advanced and Link tabs; the second removes Advanced and Upload tabs. (BTW, you only need one removeDialogTabs line; just have it include all the tabs you want to remove.)
I'm still trying to figure out how to make the Upload tab get the default focus when the dialog first opens, but I'm not there yet. If any of you figure that one out, I'd be interested to know it.