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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
I installed Q&A as WP installation , but the FB login is missing ( plugin is enabled ). It is possibile to allow both FB and WP login? How?
Q2A version: Latest

1 Answer

+1 vote
I haven't tested but what I believe is if you using single signon than registration and authentication will be handled by WordPress and if you will use any wordpress plugin or own code for facebook login than it should work.

So if you are using single signon that could be the reason the facebook login button not visible.

Best way to check is give it try. :)
So basically, installing FB Login on Wordpress, should automatically enable the login on Q2A since they use the same DB? I'll try ;) thanks
Did you have any joy with this? Thanks.
Here too there appears button to log into facebook. Would users podessem commenting using your facebook login.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?