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+1 vote
in Plugins by


Badges V3.7
Q&A 1.5.2

PHP version: 5.3.14
MySQL version: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1-log

1.I've installed a the plugin mentioned, but when I set different value for e.g. vote, then I save, give it back the default number.

2. "Show badge widget beside points in question list", but I can't see

3.I trying to translate, but these words doesn't show up(pic). In this example I called word "something".Why is this happens?


Q2A version: Q&A 1.5.2

1 Answer

0 votes
For first question.
Meanwhile I realised when give different number from default that is doesn't appear in admin panel only on fronten in badge page. The other 2 things still unsolved yet