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in Q2A Core by

So if you search for one of your question pages in copyscape, it comes up with other (completely unrelated) sites built on the Q2A platform.

Could google penalise for this?
Unlikely to be a problem but what does Copyscape show as the duplicate text?
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shows completely unrelated sites built on the q and a platform.

2 Answers

0 votes
I searched several pages from this site and every time it said it could not find duplicate pages.

Like gideon said it's very unlikely to be a problem as the conly common text will be the menu etc.
0 votes
I took a look at the example you sent. This is just boilerplate text so it's not going to be a problem. There is a load of common boilerplate text across the Internet.

BTW, I'm the creator of Copyscape, so hopefully you'll take my word for it :)
and i would add : A GREAT CREATOR
thank you for your work gidgreen

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