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in Plugins by
Its again about real imageresizing while using ckeditor and storing the images in the filesystem instead of database (if necessary).

The approach is having large images resized to lets say 100k/200k max and presetting an image width (proportional). And/or having thumbnails stored somewhere to use them instead of the blobs.

Several approaches have been discussed, like timthumb, plupload and css resizing but there is no solution which makes pageloading with big images fast enough to avoid users run away.

As I cant go on with my work and understand that You are limited in Your time for special features I feel the need to ask You if You can at least recommend a paid developer who can resolve that issue, not exclusively for my needs, but for everyone here.

Depending on the quote I´ll pay it or at least a good part of it.

Thank You in advance

Q2A version: 1.5.2

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