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I imported database from my site, and changed it so it can be set up on local host. it worked well. (update: it doesm't work with clean install either)

I installed Q2A and then installed a second Q2a script inside it and set QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX of second instalation as first one's prefix.(I set prefixes inside config file before installing script)

now I went to Users navigation inside sub instalation and there is: "No active users found" message. but when I click on "Special users" and "Blocked users" I see all special and blocked users as it should be(when I asked a question in second site it showed up in user's list).

also when I am loged in with "Admin" user in parrent site I can log out on secund site and log in with a different user.

Did you set the QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX before you installed the second site?
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Yes, I configured both scripts before running it for installation.(question updated)
Should I install Network plugin in sub installations too?

1 Answer

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The active users shown on each site only contains users who have done something on that site, by design (but possibly bad design!)

It's based on those users who have rows in qa_userpoints.

Thanks, I will change it.