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how can I add an Impressum? The script itself is not external. With the same layout of thepage

1 Answer

+1 vote
I had to look up "impressum", from the sound of it you mean a legal notice or terms and conditions page?

If I have that correct then it is quite easy, just add a custom page (Admin > Pages) and link to it from the footer.
You have that correct (imprint), but German law does not allow to have that in the footer... it must be at the top of page, very well visible, otherwise any lawyer can send You a bill about 1000 bucks... so after tabs at top would be ok...
Thanks yes imprint ;) I need the page in nofollow
OK well you can link to it from the top as well, same way that it has "Wiki" and "About" linked up the top of this page ^^
If You need it as nofollow then You should add it to an advanced theme instead. See http://www.question2answer.org/themes.php#advanced

First add a page as described by DisgruntledGoat but choose the option "No Link"

Second copy the following function into Your advanced theme and modify it to Your needs.

function nav_user_search()
        $this->output('<div class="qa-nav-user"><a class="qa-nav-user-link" href="http://www.mysite.com/impressum/" rel="nofollow">Impressum</a></div>');

If this is to complicate think about using the robots.txt, its not the best solution, but easy to implement, see here:

Another VERY EASY way is adding
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/impressum/" rel="nofollow">Impressum</a>

to admin->layout->Custom HTML in sidebar box on every page

That should be ok with german laws as it is very good visible as well.

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