Q2A works fine on my live site, but I just set up a test Q2A on localhost on my laptop. I am using WampServer.
On the URL Structure section in settings, the top two options do not say OK, but the bottom three do. However, I can select the top option and it seems to work fine for the questions on the site.
The "test page" in the iframe is a long encoded URL so I'm guessing there is a problem there somewhere. When I open it, I get a "Not Found" error.
The URL: /url/test/%24%26-_~%23%25%5C%40%5E%2A%28%29%3D%21%28%29%5D%5B%60%27%3B%3A%7C".%7B%7D%2C<>%3F%23+π§½Жש?dummy=¶m=%24%26-_~%23%25%5C%40%5E%2A%28%29%3D%21%28%29%5D%5B%60%27%3B%3A%7C".%7B%7D%2C<>%3F%23+π§½Жש
Is there an Apache or PHP setting that would affect this? I have the Apache Rewrite module and the PHP mbstring module, and other standard modules.