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Seems the xml sitemap does not list custom pages ? How to add them ?

A custom sitemap seems as well not to work ?
Q2A version: 1.5.1

1 Answer

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Two ways, both plugin "hack", file qa-xml-sitemap.php

  • You can ask your database and add links to sitemap by script if you know php good;
  • you can add links manualy in this file. Code below


after line 159

echo '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'."\n";


echo "\t<url>\n".
On my site it working:
I will work more on it, I need automatic generation too, but for now it is ok for me.
or better add code after this:
        function sitemap_output($request, $priority)

this very end of this file
Great, thank You, I can add these links manually as I have only limited php knowledge. I am sure with 1.6 the feature will be added to sitemap plugin anyway.
could you provide the php code to add pages automaticly?