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in Q2A Core by
I integrated question2answer with my wordpress website. You can find it at this url: http://www.fotocomefare.com/domanderisposte.

It works but when a registered user logs in, he's redirected to the wp admin page. Since I have installed Question2Answer in a subfolder, I do not need to add redirection code to wp-config.php.

I tried but it obviously doesn't work. What should I do to make it work?

Is it better to install it separately?
Q2A version: 1.5
I have the same issue, because it will disturb user when they have to find the way to come back the previous page.

1 Answer

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If you install Q2A with WordPress integration, the users are managed via WordPress, not by Q2A. If you don't generally register users to your WordPress site, it probably makes sense to install Q2A with internal user management, i.e. without WordPress integration. It will still work fine in a subdirectory of your site.
asked Aug 4, 2013 in Q2A Core by beccy 404 message with wordpress integration