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How should the function look like ?

Basically it is just accessing the table qa_userfavorites and asking for all userids where entitytype is C and entityid is = actual category id.

Then, generating from the user id the data and build a list.

In my regional site each category is a locality and when a user hits a modified "show friends" button, the list of users who have that category (locality) as favorite should show up.

I just dont know how to get there as I am no coder...

I would be fully happy just to get hands on that array, from there Ill find a way..

Any help is welcome !

What I have is something like:

$categoryfriends=qa_db_query_raw('SELECT userid FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype='C' AND entityid=$actualcategory');

But this does not work and I dont know where to put it...
Q2A version: 1.5

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