Thank you for your answer webshimim.
Unfortunately the email (actually 2 emails) format(s) I’m getting after registration is completely different from the one on Q&A website. I don’t even have all those variables that are in the Q&A's registration confirmation email and in qa-lang-emails.php (I am using an English version).
As you know a registration confirmation email from Q&A looks like that:
" name,
Thank you for registering for Question2Answer Q&A.
Please click below to confirm your email address.
Your login details are as follows:
Email: ………………………………..
Password: …………………………
Please keep this information safe for future reference.
Thank you,
Question2Answer Q&A
Respectively the following is my confirmation email #1:
New user registration on your site Home Maintenance, Remodeling and Repairs:
Username: ………………………..
E-mail: ………..........
and my confirmation email #2:
Username: ………………..
Password: …………………..
It looks like everything has been stripped from the email probably because it is using Wordpress to register and not Q&A script… What I wanted to change in this email #2 was to replace “/wp-login.php” with “/qa/ask” and add some extra information to it.
I’ve found a solution to this issue in your Q&A’s which suggests performing Q&A installation on a sub-domain and change wp-config.php file settings, but after already doing significant back-linking to this sub-directory…
Just wondering if there’s a different way of doing it.
Thank you so much and I apologize for a lengthy question.