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in Q2A Core by


Thank you for your answer webshimim.
Unfortunately the email (actually 2 emails) format(s) I’m getting after registration is completely different from the one on Q&A website. I don’t even have all those variables that are in the Q&A's registration confirmation email and in qa-lang-emails.php (I am using an English version).
As you know a registration confirmation email from Q&A looks like that:
" name,
Thank you for registering for Question2Answer Q&A.
Please click below to confirm your email address.
Your login details are as follows:
Email: ………………………………..
Password: …………………………
Please keep this information safe for future reference.
Thank you,
Question2Answer Q&A
Respectively the following is my confirmation email #1:
New user registration on your site Home Maintenance, Remodeling and Repairs:
Username: ………………………..
E-mail: ………..........
and my confirmation email #2:
Username: ………………..
Password: …………………..
It looks like everything has been stripped from the email probably because it is using Wordpress to register and not Q&A script… What I wanted to change in this email #2 was to replace “/wp-login.php” with “/qa/ask” and add some extra information to it.
This wouldn’t be necessary if I could change (if I knew where) redirect from the “register” link from the current http://www.checkthishouse.com/wp-login.php?action=register to http://www.checkthishouse.com/qa/register?to= … but that would give me an error that user registration is handled by external code smiley
I’ve found a solution to this issue in your Q&A’s which suggests performing Q&A installation on a sub-domain and change wp-config.php file settings, but after already doing significant back-linking to this sub-directory… 
Just wondering if there’s a different way of doing it.
Thank you so much and I apologize for a lengthy question.
related to an answer for: Registration email content

1 Answer

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The problem is that you're using Q2A with an external user database (in this case, the external database belongs to WordPress). So Q2A has no control over the process of registration, login, managing users, etc... It simply takes the user identification information from WordPress.

So the solution in your case would be to modify WordPress to send out the email that you would like. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a WordPress plugin out there which allowed you to do tihs.