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The .htaccess is perfectly fine, I was able to enable the option and it worked very well. What needs to be "fixed" to make it "work" so that the admin panel does not get "mad" at me?

2 Answers

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Best answer
I'm not sure of the answer in your case, but I am aware that there's an issue with the .htaccess file and will be looking into it for beta 2. The diagnostic message you're seeing is based on a rewrite test that depends on the same .htaccess file, so it should be accurate, but obviously isn't in your case. You can just ignore the message, if the option to remove index.php is working smoothly.
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Yes, I edited the qa-rewrite-test.php so it would always show it was okay lol. I don't like seeing errors, especially when stuff is working just fine :P
forget it...i found the problem and am seeing if it works now.
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There is now a page on the main website which focuses on this:
