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+7 votes
in Plugins by
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This is premium paid plugin that schedules posts to be automatically published in future date. It is tested on qa 1.7.4.

Price for plugin is 50 USD  30 USD. I cannot use paypal as in Turkey it does not work. I have Payoneer account. PM me if you interested.

Functionality of plugin:

1) Plugin creates a table in database to store data.

2) Admin sets which user levels can use schedule posts to be published in future date.

3) Admin sets which user levels can moderate (view, publish immediately, delete) all scheduled posts.

4) Normal users (2) can see/delete/publish only their own scheduled posts. However, moderators (3) can see/delete/publish all scheduled posts.

5) Plugin adds new navigation tab "My Scheduled Posts" to user profile page.

6) Permitted user (2) goes to ASK page. At the bottom there will be a check box of "Post Later". If it is checked then scheduling functionality will be active. If not checked then normal ask procedure of q2a will be valid.

7)  User can set only future dates. 

8) Plugin has page that shows list of posts scheduled for future dates. It is accessible only by moderator users set in (3)

9) When date comes, plugin will automatically publish the post.

10) In order to not cause load to database. Published posts will be removed from scheduled table after one day. Because published posts will already be in posts table.

11) It will require manual set for cronjob from cpanel. Alternatively, admin/plugin option includes "Run Cronjob" button. You can click it as well. It will not be problem if you click it many times per day. The script will only run once per day.

Screenshots from admin/plugins:

Screenshoot from admin/pages:

GIF for frontend functionality:

Page Accessible only by moderators:

User side Page:

Q2A version: q2a 1.7.5 customized
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For USER-LEVEL demo:  https://gyzgyn.com/q2a-demo/
user: test9
pass: test1234
Looks like there is issue with plugin...I do see below error after clicking on scheduled post to publish

Notice: Use of undefined constant window - assumed 'window' in /home/ihlas/public_html/q2a-demo/qa-include/qa-base.php(725) : eval()'d code on line 213

Notice: Use of undefined constant location - assumed 'location' in /home/ihlas/public_html/q2a-demo/qa-include/qa-base.php(725) : eval()'d code on line 213

Fatal error: Call to undefined function reload() in /home/ihlas/public_html/q2a-demo/qa-include/qa-base.php(725) : eval()'d code on line 213
it has been fixed.

3 Answers

+1 vote
Very nice plugin. May be you should provide link to demo site. It will help people so see how plugin works.
0 votes

I want to purchase this plugin. But, Is this plugin working properly with Q2A V 1.8.5 and Above?

0 votes
This is the plugin I was looking for. It could be very useful for me.
Has this plugin also been tested with the Polaris theme?