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+21 votes
in Plugins by
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In general, an interesting question that hasn't received the attention it deserved, usually gets lost in time. In order to get it back to the top of the All Activity section, users have to add/edit answers, comments and the question itself. Some users even add comments like "Bump".

The plugin adds a button to the question that formalizes the bump itself. For example, this is what the question looks like before:

And this is what it looks like after performing the bump:

This bumped state is also reflected in the All activity section:

The plugin also allows the user to pin questions. In this case, the questions stick to the top of the question lists, no matter if other questions got updated after it. Here is an example:

Questions can be bumped or pinned by any allowed user. Permission system is extensive.

It is also possible to use a widget to display pinned questions. This is what the widget looks like:

To sum up, these are the features:

  • Bump questions to send them to the top of the All activity list
  • Pin questions to send them to the top of question lists
  • Display the bumped update in both: the question view and the activity list
  • Ability to pay per bump and pay per pin using points as a currency
  • Customize the amount of time to pin questions
  • Bump and pin amounts per user are displayed in their profiles
  • A flexible widget can be added to display the pinned questions
  • Highly customizable permission system
  • Plenty of settings to configure in the plugin admin page
  • Very simple installation

If you are interested in reading more about the plugin you can check the plugin page. There, you'll find some additional features, screenshots and how to order it. You can also find a plugin demo here.

I think that your act is right. If you trust of own work, you should set price magnificently. The person who cannot take fish buys fish from fisherman. The person who cannot cultivate plant buys crops from the farmer. In addition, fisherman and farmer exchange one's crops and may give it to another person gratis. This is a general rule of general social. I think that the open source world is abnormal.
Can't you release it for free now? I'm sure you've gotten a lot of downloads in three months? Please!
Thats a nice idea . Cool feature .
great plugin i will buy soon

7 Answers

+7 votes
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For all developers who cannot afford buying a plugin, alternatively you can write your own plugin. Take some of my plugin code for a head start.

To get things done I would suggest:

1. output "bump" button next to other question buttons (add something to the link URL, e.g. ?bump=12354 ← question id)

2. catch the request with the plugin and update the post in the database by modifying the created date to the latest timestamp (this is no clean solution but the easiest I can think of)

3. release your plugin for free

For all others, you can buy pupi1985's version. It saves you time =)

+2 votes

This is quite interesting. Could you add a "pay to bump" option? It works like this:

  1. Press the bump button
  2. Warning message: You'll spend 50 points to bump this question. Are you sure?

The amount of points should be customizable in admin panel. I think this helps avoiding spam and creates an extra incentive to earn more points.

I like the idea and it is possible to implement, according to a quick research I've just done. Anyway, if the intention was just to avoid spam I guess the maximum frequency bump setting should be more than enough. I might consider implementing this after I finish the current plugin I'm working on. Thanks for your suggestion
4 years later... I have added that feature

PS: I hope the guy in the photo is not you!
+2 votes
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I will be releasing a new plugin soon and, as part of the celebration, I thought about giving a copy of JABP for free, as I noticed other developer did some time ago.

Probably being considerably lazy, I decided to use Google Forms to manage the raffle. This is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NuU__zZfq5Bk2dAJWZQeBt1Us-3Ot9hZBqRnmRMeIqk/viewform?hl=en

The raffle will end on 2014-08-18. I will fairly select a user from the submission list and get in touch with them. If the user can validate they own the Q2A site submitted I will send them the plugin. Otherwise, or if they don't answer in 2 days, a different user will be selected.


Update 2014-08-18: Raffle is now over. And the randomly selected winner is... Gurjyot Singh, owner of http://www.yohelpdesk.com. I hope you enjoy your free JABP copy :)

For the unlucky ones, thanks for taking the time to participate and better luck next time!

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Thanks a lot @pupi1985, I am really happy to know that I won.
+3 votes
An improvement will make your plugin more vauable.

It would be nice if paypal/ creaditcar integration was there to charge users who wanted their post to bump up to front page. Add this feature and charge us more. What do you think?

Say the user pays something to push his post to frontpage for a month/ week or so.

Then all the paid posts would randomly change place at front page
I agree with you on the fact that integrating this plugin (as many others) with PayPal would be useful to get some income to admins.

However, it is easier said than done. Not to mention the effort and time it would take to do so would be huge compared to the earnings for selling a plugin. Furthermore, people don't find it easy to configure reCaptcha so I can't imagine how much support time such a plugin would take from a developer. So I would be spending too many weeks of my spare time on something few people will use and I rather focus on other projects I enjoy more.

A different scenario would be if someone, who enjoys working with the PayPal API more, creates a generic plugin in which other plugins can depend on. That way, plugin developers, can integrate with that plugin rather than the PayPal API which, if it is properly designed, it should be considerably easier to integrate on.
Well, you are right.
Suppose however there is such a developer, what would be the description (specs) of that generic paypal plugin you have in mind?
I don't have a specification in mind. However, I do know that I want a good abstraction layer. I don't want to even think about PayPal. I just want to ask for permission before performing an operation and be returned a boolean value.
I did this once experimentally, actually no one was interested in spending a coin. Guess this only works with very specific forums where there is a big need to get an answer.
+2 votes
Hello Pupi1985 . Is it possible to enable just a bump plugin ONLY for Experts+ type users ?
How much I need to pay to obtain necessary files?

Hi Piotr. It isn't possible in the current version but it can be done. In fact, if you are willing to pay for this change, instead of charging you for the plugin and the customization itself, I can charge you a lower amount and release a new version of the plugin with that change included (so that other users will benefit from that too). I'll send you a PM.
+1 vote

Can I make the Bumb button appears to even unregistered visitors  ?

Is there any other methos to pay rather than Paypal

Paypal does not support our regions
Unregistered users aren't displayed the button because they can't fire the action. The underlying reason would be the same as why unregistered users can not vote on questions: to avoid abuse.

For the time being, PayPal is the only payment option that works me.
Please check Private messages  I sent you suggestion regarding the payment method
0 votes

I have completely changed my q2answer page to php 8. Now I have the following problem: When I use the function "JABP enabled" in the Just A Bump Plugin (v2.0.7) will not load the page during user registration when submitting the form (this page does not work at the moment). If I disable the plugin, the user registration works correctly. Is there a solution to this problem?

I've just tested the plugin with PHP 8.3.6 and I was able to register without issues.

Maybe you could try to disable all plugins and just leave JABP. It should work. If not, check the JS and HTML changes you've done to the theme or set in admin/layout. If this doesn't solve the issue, I will need step by step instructions to replicate the issue.

Also note that your registration page is loading for me right now. Weird thing: I'm unable to register even using a @gmail.com account, as apparently, it is a blacklisted domain.