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in Q2A Core by
hi, I use Q2A version 1.8.3

in my Admin channel when I want to approve the questions It's not sorted.
any help that I can fix that?
thanks to Q2A
Q2A version: 1.8.3
Posts are sorted by create date. Why do you say they are not sorted?
Yes Its sorted in posts page but It's not sorted in admin moderate page
You asked about the admin/moderate section so my comment was about the admin/moderate section. Can you provide a screenshot that confirms what you are saying?
the problem is: https://photos.app.goo.gl/zVw4VZYhdVUNegLr7
I use Persian lang pack and I set Jalali date
today in Jalali is 28 of month
however, the last question  asked 8 hours ago
can you help me ?
All dates in Q2A use the Gregorian calendar. So you must be facing that issue in all lists, not just in admin/moderate.

You will have to rewrite a good bunch of code in order to use the Jalali calendar

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