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+2 votes
in Plugins by

I get this error when trying to open the badges page.



Access to this resource on the server is denied!

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Solved. It was because of having a copy of badges plugin in qa directory.

2 Answers

+2 votes

Check permission of folder and files. Make sure they do have below permissions.

  • Folders: 755
  • Files: 644

755 stands for Owner: read, write, execute; Group: read, execute; Everyone: read, execute
644 stands for Owner: read, write; Group: read, Everyone: read

Thank you @prothoughts. all permissions for file was 755. I think it was because of upgrading to 1.8!
I changed all the permissions for file to 644 but still I get the error!
check if plugin is still enabled or not from admin->plugins, you need to manually enable plugin in Q2A v1.8. If it is enabled then restart server and check again.

I enabled badges on q2a v1.8 here https://meta.question2answer.info/badges it is working fine.

If you still see issue then PM me your site.
Hello @prothoughts
sent you a PM.
Ok, will check
sent PM to you, check.
0 votes
i check in other hosting provider and i found the problem is the hosting iam sure 100%