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+2 votes
in Plugins by

I have a problem with duplicated questions, some people click several times on "Ask the question" button, and then the same question appears on my page two or three times. I'd like to implement something like question limit per time (for example if you have asked question, you have to wait 1 minute to ask another). Is there anything like that available?

Thanks in advance for any help.
This bug has been resolved in Q2A 1.8. Don't worry in a week or two you can just update Q2A and this issue will be fixed.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Exact duplicate questions has been solved for Q2A 1.8 (which should be out soon).

For general "anti-flood" measures look at the Admin > Spam page. At the bottom there are various options for rate-limiting of actions. For example you can set only 1 question can be asked per user per hour.