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[useful plugin] Olny show answers to login user or user point over threshold. see demo:http://ostack.cn/
Through this plugin you can got:
1.More register users
2.More question and answers
3.Keep your answer from theft by robots
This plugin is only $20(USD) , if you want this please contact: 316848526@qq.com

picture cut:

question view page:

Admin plugin config page:

is this plugin show answer for search engine spider ?
Hello zhao, check your inbox please
No , this plugin is hide answer in server and do not judge user type
Big mistake for SEO
I can try to support this feature.
if just consider search ,I think question is enough ,as mostly we type question to search not answer.
If we want use SE QA ,This feature may be useful as itcan show answer number in search result like google
I have looked the code, It is easy to support SE view question answers, as QA-base.php have provide a function to judge is human or SE
As github is not stable in China , I will send the url as soon as I find it
waiting , thanks
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I have done, but i don't know how to visit as a SE bots.
Is there anyone can tell me the way to do this or give me test on my site http://ostack.cn
use google search console , and try to get url as google bot
You can use browser extensions (e.g. User-Agent Switcher for Firefox) to manipulate the user agent string presented to the remote site. However, if a search engine can see the answers, so can anyone else who goes through these motions. Experts-Exchange tried this, and failed.
Making answers visible to search engines, but trying to hide them from people browsing the site unless they sign up is a UI dark pattern, and I strongly recommend people stay away from this garbage.

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The plugin develop have finished

Anyone want it can contact me with email:316848526@qq.com