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in Q2A Core by
Just curious, has spam prevention been improved in the last few years of this script development?  I used Questions2Answer script a few years ago on a few sites. Even though I used plugins for anti-spam protection (except for having the FB logon as only option), the amount of spam users who created new accounts every day was amazing.

Spammers know exactly what to look for in a Google search to find sites that are using the Questions2Answer script. And as they know, there is a weakness in the default spam prevention ability for sites using this script.

Can the developer please address this concern?
Q2A version: 1.8.3
Can you turn your request into concrete actions that can be turned later into code?
Yup. This is the purpose of this post. To get feedback from Q2A users on spam situations, evaluate, and try to come up with solutions.

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