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+5 votes
in Plugins by

The new version of Star Ratings plugin 1.2.0 is available now.

The version 1.2.0 now compatible with Question2Answer 1.8.3, SnowFlat and Q2A Market Lion Theme.

Added Re-Check Posts button to recalculate and add all missing questions and answers to the star ratings if the plugin is disabled for some time and reactivate again. Note: This feature will only works from version 1.2.0

Download Q2A Market Star Ratings 1.2.0 Now

Q2A version: 1.8.3
Thanks for The new version
Good job is cool
Thanks a lot , good work.
We are glad.. :)

One quick update.. We are working hard and hopping to get Front Page plugin updated and released by this week. Keep visiting Q2A Market and do not forget to follow us on FB, Twitter and YouTube.

1 Answer

0 votes

Problem with QAPage


0 (The value submitted for reviewCount must be a positive value.)

The ratingValue field should not be left blank.

Another problem

If the position is after the content

Someone added an answer or comment that disappears and does not appear until you reload the page

It's not clear what do you mean. Please provide bit more details to reproduce it. Also post on Q2A Market support so can track there too.
Oh I see what do you mean. You are talking about Schema. It just means that Google probably won’t consider displaying their Aggregate Ratings Rich Snippet for your document in Google Search. When there is not ratings, we cannot do anything anyway. You can find some more on it https://stackoverflow.com/a/32804039/1053190 or this https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/1770#issuecomment-340733276