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in Plugins by

I am trying to install "qa ajax chat widget". There are steps to be performed:

  1. Set the database access values in chat/lib/config.php.example and then rename it to config.php.
    // I have performed above step successfully.
  2. Then load "qa-plugin/adchat/chat/install.php" from the browser after prepending with the Q2A url.
    // Does above instruction mean " gateoverflow.net/qa-plugin/adchat/chat/install.php " ? If yes, then page is not found error on Q2A site. It did not successful, Why?
  3. Delete install.php - Running this again causes the chat database to be deleted.
    // I deleted this file from hosting site. 
  4. Now, Go to "/admin/layout" and you can create a sidebar widget for chat.
    // I created sidebar for qachat
  5. Also, in "/admin/pages" new pages can be created for full page chat as well as chat logs (chat logs can be searched).
    // I did not perform this step as there is error on chatting

There is an error :

Query: SELECT userID, userName, userRole, channel, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateTime) AS timeStamp, ip FROM `gateover_dd`.ajax_chat_online ORDER BY LOWER(userName); Error-Report: Table 'gateover_dd.ajax_chat_online' doesn't exist Error-Code: 1146

Please note that I have set these database values:


// AJAX Chat config parameters:
$config = array();

// Database connection values:
$config['dbConnection'] = array();
// Database hostname:
$config['dbConnection']['host'] = 'localhost';
// Database username:
$config['dbConnection']['user'] = 'qachatuser';  // I renamed as my username
// Database password:
$config['dbConnection']['pass'] = 'password'; // I renamed as my username password
// Database name:
$config['dbConnection']['name'] = 'qachat'; I renamed as my database name
// Database type:
$config['dbConnection']['type'] = null;
// Database link:
$config['dbConnection']['link'] = null; // what should be here?

After these entries I have renamed config.php.example to config.php .
AJAX chat is not working I did you run the "install.php" but result was not successful. 

Could you please explain why are these showing error? 
Thanks in advance.

after install i have this error, why??

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
i got this error to.

How to solve?

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Did you solve this problem?

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Everything is ok, only in step-2: it is "chat-master" but not "adchat", therefore, step-2 should be as:

Then load "qa-plugin/chat-master/chat/install.php" from the browser after prepending with the Q2A url. 

You can give more information about this step, I probably did not quite understand, using a translator.
That was incorrect path issue. Steps are already explained in above post(question), those steps are already correct except step-2, which is explained in answer.
edited by
how to do it? from the browser after prepending with the Q2A url.