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Hey guys

I wanna let  my widget be shown in the middle of nav and page-title

But Q2A only has position after page-title.

is there any solution or i should make some changes?


Thanks in advanced
Q2A version: 1.7

1 Answer

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Best answer

Usually, if you specify the top of the main area, the widget will be displayed there. For example, try to use "Ask box widget". When "Main area - Top" is not displayed in "Position" field of "Admin" > "Layout" > "Add widget", allow_region() function of your widget may be wrong.


In addition, if you want to display your widget with full-size, there will be a need to customize main() function of theme. e.g...


$this->output('<div class="qa-main'.(@$this->content['hidden'] ? ' qa-main-hidden' : '').'">');
$this->widgets('main', 'top');


$this->widgets('main', 'top');
$this->output('<div class="qa-main'.(@$this->content['hidden'] ? ' qa-main-hidden' : '').'">');


Thank you man
I've changed my theme layer and put my widget before page title. everything works right .