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in Plugins by

Can you provide more complete instructions - it is not clear.

Insert the following line of code above the if statement near line 59 of qa-include/qa-page-login.php

require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'../qa-plugin/qa-ldap-login/qa-ldap-process.php';

Please indicate exactly what line of code this should be before (blank login php page when this line is added to this file)?

Also, see below for the details of two users I have added in LDAP:

Distinguished Name: cn=User Foo,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org

Distinguished Name: cn=User Bar,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org

Their uid's would be userfoo and userbar respectively.

What Generic LDAP search strings and Generic LDAP search authenticate attribute should be entered.


related to an answer for: ldap support in Questions 2 answer

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