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+9 votes
in Q2A Core by
I want to perform below same function in V1.2.
qa-page-home.php of V1.2 is many changed. If possible, teach us modification for V1.2.
Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

+5 votes
It's a similar idea, but the code is structured a little differently, so here goes...

Start by modifying function qa_home_load_ifcategory(...) in qa-page-home.php:

1. Add $populartags to the global list at the start of the function.

2. Change the code below:

        @list($questions1, $questions2, $questions3, $count, $categories, $categoryid, $custompage)=qa_db_select_with_pending($qa_db,
            (isset($cachecountoption) && !isset($categoryslug)) ? qa_db_options_cache_selectspec($cachecountoption) : null,
            isset($categoryslug) ? qa_db_slug_to_category_id_selectspec($categoryslug) : null,

... to ...

        @list($questions1, $questions2, $questions3, $count, $categories, $categoryid, $custompage, $populartags)=qa_db_select_with_pending($qa_db,
            (isset($cachecountoption) && !isset($categoryslug)) ? qa_db_options_cache_selectspec($cachecountoption) : null,
            isset($categoryslug) ? qa_db_slug_to_category_id_selectspec($categoryslug) : null,

[All that changed is that $populartags was added to the end of the list(...) and qa_db_popular_tags_selectspec(0) was added at the end of the parameters to the qa_db_select_with_pending(...) call.]

3. Lower down in the same file, after qa_content_prepare(true, $categoryid); add the $populartags variable to $qa_content as follows:


4. Create a custom theme (see Advanced page on main site) and override the sidebar() function. Make sure your theme's sidebar() function calls the default one first via qa_html_theme_base::sidebar() otherwise your custom sidebar box will disappear. Then your function can do something with $this->content['populartags'], after checking isset($this->content['populartags']) since not every page will have it defined. To start with you can print_r($this->content['populartags']) to get an idea of what it contains. You can use qa_tag_html() to convert a tag to the standard HTML representation.
Out of my view it is easier to add all the funtions from qa-theme-base.php
beginning with:

function doctype()

more or less at the top of the file
the last one

function c_item_clear()
                '<DIV CLASS="qa-c-item-clear">',

This is easier if You want to make more chnages.

Once ready, You can add after the

function sidebar()
.... means the whole sidebar function
The problem with adding all the functions is your theme is much more likely to have problems with a future version of Q2A. My recommendation is to add only those functions to your qa-theme.php file which you need to override.
edited by
Thanxs for summing up to monk333!
just a little typo: the href for "All Tags" is missing a dot "."
it must be:
echo "<li class=\"qa-sidebar-poptags-li\"><a class=\"qa-sidebar-poptags-link-all\" href=\"./tags/\">All Tags</a></li>";

****href=\"./tags/\****   instead of

and it only works for me without the "$count" in qa-page.home.php:
that means:
    global $categoryslug, $questions, $categories, ****
and delete the line:

            (isset($cachecountoption) && !isset($categoryslug)) ? qa_db_options_cache_selectspec($cachecountoption) : null,

after "    $questionselectspec4,"
it seems that version 1.5.x has the tag widget which can solve this question :D
0 votes
Using the Code on this page puts the tags on the questions page, but how do we get it on all pages?