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in Plugins by
function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content)
        /* Settings */
        $doWeek = false;                  // here you can switch the interval: false - current month and true - current week
        $maxusers = 5;                     // max users to display
        $adminName = "echteinfachtv";    // if you want to ignore the admin, define his name here
        $localcode = "de_DE";             // displays the month name in your defined language, e.g. en_US
        $langActUsers = "Aktivste Mitglieder";    // your language string for 'most active users'
        $langThisWeek = "diese Woche";            // your language string for 'this week'

1 Answer

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You just translate these lines and overwrite them like that:

$doWeek = false;         // false - current month and true - current week
$maxusers = 5;                     // max users to display
$adminName = "youradmin";    // if you want to ignore the admin, define his name
$localcode = "
$langActUsers = "Most Active Users";    // your language string
$langThisWeek = "this week";            // your language string for 'this week'


PS: I know it would be better to have a separate language file, but when releasing the plugin I did not know how to do it. So maybe a will update it next month.

Thanks so much!