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+14 votes
in Plugins by
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While developing a new version of Muffin theme, I've made some major style changes for the Badges plugin, which were implemented on the theme.

But after Gurjyot's idea, I figured why not implement these changes directly to the plugin and make it available for everybody instead..

So that's what I did. I grabbed all the styles I was designing, and implemented to my "Updated version" of the plugin.

What did I change?.

  • Badges styles are fully redesigned.
  • Mobile ready styles.
  • Badges styles are now implemented on a separate  .css  .
  • Added Javascript algorithm to group Badges by "topics" on Badges page.
  • Added supported styles for Right-To-Left.
  • Fixed badges not appearing next to the User on question lists and next to the Loggedin text in the navigation bar.

Want a light color scheme for the badges? No worries, just add the following code to the usual Badge css stylesheet by navigating to Admin -> Plugins -> Badges -> Badge css stylesheet, and you'll be allright:

.badge-bronze, .badge-silver, .badge-gold {
    background-color: #eee;
    color: #000;

Get the Plugin from my GitHub Q2A Badges repository.
Here's a live preview and also some Screenshots down below.

Buy me a beer (PayPal Chun)


Badges on profile page:

Badges on profile page (Right-To-Left):

Badges on profile page (Mobile): 

@NoahY , in case you're back one day, let me know. You can transfer some of the work you see fit for your official version, or I can push a full commit for the main repository. :)​

Q2A version: 1.7.5 - 1.8.0beta
Wonderful job :) Unfortunately NoahY is no longer here. So, you may please maintain your branch on Github and this can be added to the Q2A page.
Thank you @ArjunSuresh I appreciate it :)
I've been using badges plugin for a while and only found out this topic recently. Thanks so much for sharing this updated version. Looks amazing!

3 Answers

+5 votes
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Best answer
Fantastic update! this design is cool. Keep up good work!

NoahY is no longer working on Q2A/Plugins so please keep updating your version of badges plugin on github. This is one of the most popular Q2A plugin.
Thank you @ProThoughts :)
+2 votes
Great update, I will add this to my site.

Just one question: have You got a plan to add gaining points by unlocking new badges by users?

Thank you Peter. That's a cool idea, but unfortunately no, there's no plans in developing such thing in the near future.
0 votes
Very nice updated plugin! Thanks....