FlexArmor2 is the successor product of FlexArmor1. It is theme framework that have full compatibility with Bootswatch. It is not version up of FlexArmor1. The biggest feature, flexible customize performance, compatibility with plugins, max speed, and reliable support.
Bandle plugin (jQuery World Clock) NEW

Example of server time is here.
Combination example of FlexArmor2 (sandstone) + Question Data widget:
Your site will get closer to SNS.

Client (User) side design changer : Try it in demo site.

Editable Ajax User Card:

Benchmark (Snow vs FA2): FA2 is faster than Snow.

Benchmark (No plugin)
DEMO (Full plugin)
Online document
Q2A V1.6.3 OR V1.7 (2014/12/24 Updated)
Update history
- 2015/05/20: Fixed bug (Avatar do not display in user list of Q2A V1.7.1)
- 2015/02/14: Fixed bug (part_footer() of q_list_and_form()) for Q2A V1.7
- 2014/12/24: FA2 (V1.1) is compatible with Q2A V1.6.3 and V1.7.
- 2014/10/29: Add jQuery World Clock plugin
- 2014/10/18: Compatibility with Question Data Widget (V1.2) is confirmed.
- 2014/10/16: Shipment start
- 2014/10/10: Complete online document. Add client (user) side design changer.
- 2014/09/17: "Paper" and "Sandstone" theme added
- 2014/08/20: Add "Editable Ajax User Card" feature.
- 2014/08/18: Add automatic Minify feature. GTMetrix result was updated. FA2 became more faster.
- 2014/08/15: Add HTML compress feature.
- 2014/08/14: Add bech mark result (Snow vs FA2)
- 2014/08/05: Demo site open
- 2014/05: Start development
Greatness of Bootswatch:
Bootswatch is not a mere collection of bootstrap themes. Greatness of Bootswatch is BootSwatchr. Yes, you can create only one design without a large deal of effort. Refer also Customizing Bootstrap. Of course, you can customize with theme administration center. Examples are customized with only theme administration panel without changing any BootSwatch theme. User who is weak in CSS can customize it. In addition, users knowing a lot of Bootstrap may make original theme with BootSwatchr.
Example (Customized "slate"):

Example (Customized "cerulean"):

Example (Customized "superhero", Profile):

Example (Customized "superhero", Wall):

Example (Customized "default", Question page):

Reference: FlexArmor1
You'll get the ability to customize the infinite.