Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+67 votes
in Q2A Core by
closed by

I will be setting aside some time in a few weeks to work on Q2A some more. The few changes I already made will be part of 1.7 (instead of 1.6.4) as there is a change in the mimimum PHP version requirement (now 5.1.6).

So as with previous threads, please post the top features you wish to see in Question2Answer!

I do have a few ideas already planned, so there is no need to suggest these, unless you have a particular comment on them:

  • Switch to mysqli (already done).
  • Speed up loading of questions with many answers/comments.
  • Upgrade to latest CKeditor (v4.3).
  • Make default theme responsive (I believe Jatin will be working on this).
  • More flexible custom HTML areas (e.g. something similar to my Widget Anywhere plugin).

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

closed with the note: Old version
I want QandA to be avaivable for godaddy shared hosting.
To complete the list:
8. Feature Request: META description for custom pages http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35237/feature-request-meta-description-for-custom-pages
9. Make "Delete" Post procedure clear to all users - using the tooltip http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35259/make-delete-post-procedure-clear-all-users-using-the-tooltip
10. Implement the open source plugin on-site-notifications http://www.question2answer.org/qa/33712/free-plugin-notifications-facebook-stackoverflow-testing
11. Adding a date field to qa_uservotes http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35295/adding-a-date-field-to-qa_uservotes
@Juli Fier

Did you mean provided by GoDaddy or just usable period.  I am using GD as my hosting provider and it works great.
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# little contribution. I have been searching for the language php files that contain the language but couldn't find them.
# The script is hardest and badest writing to understand. I was wondering if I can use this script for other purpose other than question and answers. I wanted to use it  for classified Ads site. just to change the languages. Any help on this?
# Also recent topic is not a good ideal for someone who has opposite categories.
Example Like math category, english category,  physics category.
And someone who is only interested in math category the home will be mess. As he will be seeing threads on recent topic that does not warrant the attention and it might it might not be topic he really don't want to see.  There for while not including subscribe to categories that should be on recent topic.
I have seen a forum that has this on user profile to select and mark from with check box.
This subscribe category will be on recent topic.
# again a more mobile friendly and easy rich test editor area, as it is currently its not good.
Invite web crawling that scan user email address book and send friend request. Hey your friend is on xxx.com you might want to try it out. Just like linkedin.
# Statistics for total guest and user currently online and their current location. Total number of user visit for each day in a data base static view in form of calendar,  mention of user id. And there user will get notifications that his name has been mention.
# sticky. Sticky of topics
# announcement, admin global and category announcement
# 'New' in hyperlink at the end on each topic to take you down to the new post of the topic since you last visited the topic.
# Simple image attach.

119 Answers

+1 vote

I'm a new user, so I don't have a lot of depth in Q2A's feature set yet, but I would like to see a more responsive UI.  For instance:

  • Auto-complete in the searchbar (list of categorized search results as you type; see AnswerHub's demo for an example of what I mean)
  • Auto-complete in the "Ask a Question" input (list of similar existing questions as you type; see Uservoice for an example)

IMO these features are not too complicated & the backbone is there, but would make a big difference in making the UI feel more modern & responsive; this is coming from the perspective of a new user who's currently evaluating Q2A among a number of similar services.


This you can do by writing a plugin with ajax that checks against the database. Similar to the "similar questions" on the ask page.
+2 votes

Q&A need so urgent any good theme for smartphones and tablets size, it have not still a good theme, there is any theme free but this are so bad and look so bad in cellphones too.

And Q&A for desktop version, need a nwe look more atractive and profesional, this version 1.6 look look like a cheapest template for download free. 

I think that developers can apply a good theme CSS and a great theme for this magnificent application Q&A.

You can do it boys! Come on! ;) ;) ;) ;)winkyeslaugh

0 votes
Can you please develop better system for delete user. delete multiple user a time. at the moment you cant delete user until you block them first. i just like to delete user.
+2 votes
edited by

The following improvements are critical for us

  • We need ability to assign access rights for users to each category. This must be entirely seperate from editing permissions (e.g by using permission2categories plugin which works off permission type; Editor, Moderator etc.). We need to allow some registered users to access department specific categories without elevating them to editor/moderator permissions etc.
  • Also ability to search within a category (or even filter results by category) would greatly improve usability.
–1 vote
i want to nav main images!  thanks admin
0 votes
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I would strongly like the following additions:

  • Filter/search field by users in the users page, to allow quick user search beside jumping pages.
  • Minimize the current CKeditor size or use alternative like Redactor which is significantly much smaller but with almost same features.
  • Add widgets for "Related answered questions", "Related unanswered questions".

Thanks all.

+1 vote
First of all, thank you Scott for this subject. My offers:

1) Async notification system

2) More attention to comments (include them in point system, voting, ...)

3) Powerful Flexible ACL
–1 vote

i hope you will support rtl in original themesad

–1 vote
Whould be very cool to have in core - uploading images to folder.  Thanks!
This is already implemented with current v1.6.3. You need to do this: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/28176/where-is-the-option-upload-images-disk-instead-database-blob

@Scott: The improvement should be: Give this information a place in the admin section.
I know, but it does not work with Markdown editor :(
Sorry, the config was commented :( Now it works! But still wanted markdown editor without hacking the image uploads :) In CKEditor it is too complicated for users to upload images :(
0 votes

In the new version can we have the option to prevent conversion of tags into lower case? (ref)


You can fix that by editing the theme css.
@Ronlaw, I've quickly scanned through qa-styles.css - there are several options to tune tags displaying there, but none of them converts them to lower case. As fars as I know the tags are converted by the engine, and stored this way into DB. So I doubt this can be "undone" with a style tuning.
–1 vote
In new q2a 1.7 i wish a great template for cellphones and tablets, or a great template RESPONSIVE.

@Gustavo new template is already on the move to be released with q2a vs 1.7. You can have a look at the improvement of new snow theme in the link below.
+2 votes

I know it is very late to give suggestions for q2a vs  1.7 but still I want to share this.

The points system is well fitted in q2a but at present we can only earn q2a points by putting up question or giving answers, can you increase the use of points in q2a. 

  • Even if someone have zero points in q2a then he/she can also ask questions, but a system can be made to give some answers and earn some points to ask question like in yahoo answers. 
  • If there is a competition going on then the users can take part but only if the choose to loose some points and those points will get deleted from their account and will not be transferred to some other account, first example is this. 
  • If in future some system is built like in stackexchange, that some question can only be answered by the users who have a fix amount of points and that fix amount is set by admins or moderators. So if I have a valuable information for such a question and I do not have that much of points then I can borrow it from other users in exchange of some badges or other stuff or even normally. That's what I am thinking. 


I know that building such a system will mess up a lot of things but it'll definitely take q2a to a next level by increasing the use of points in q2a. 

