Hi everyone, using q2a for half a year now I am happy to use it every day. Gidgreen, NoahY (plugins) and Scott (plugins) and others have done a great job.
One thing that bothers me, though, is the search that is based on single words. In most of the cases I cannot find easily what I am searching! And then I am using google.com with the site-operator, e.g. site:question2answer.org search algorithm
Essential things that are missing for the recent search algorithm:
1. Exact match search, e. g. "I am happy"
2. direct user search
3. full text search, proposed here
4. Showing extract of text with search term inside, like google is doing it.
5. sorting search results, proposed here
I hope that the search can be improved for 1.5.4 - quoting gidgreen: "I know it has to get there in the fullness of time!" 
PS1: I have never found a search plugin / module that is capable of the things mentioned.
PS2: Exact match search, i.e. search with quotes should be implemented. Request from here.
PS3: There is also the "related questions" search algorithm that could be improved (not only search other titles but full content).
Final-PS: Check out all the improve-search-requests here in the forum, that's why I consider it priority A.