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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
Is there a way to display recent activity from Q2A website to my wordpress blog. I was thinking of burning the feeds of recent activity and displaying them as html in my wordpress blogs. But, the feeds do not get updated instantly?


is there any other method to do it?


if someone knows and can enlighten me on this, It will be helpful.

4 Answers

+1 vote

This is possible.

In short you want to create a wordpress plugin that loads q2a and accesses the data

Check here for some basic examples. http://question2answer.org/external.php

You will need to know or at least grasp php to do this.  I'm not famillar enough with wordpress to guide you.

If you go this route please post any updates so other users can help you along.

Thanks for info, but I am still fidgeting with it.
Will surely post an update if I do something.
I am not so proficient in php
+2 votes

You can use sql to connect to the database and get out the info directly. 


You can get a basic sense of the code you need from http://www.question2answer.org/qa/1236/is-there-the-person-developing-ssi

Thanks. Will surely look it
+1 vote

Hello I know that this might not be exactly what you are looking for but there are serveral WP RSS plugins with Cron Job features.  They will automatically pull the data whenever you like.

WP Rss Poster will go and get the data as fast as every hour and you can create lots of different campaigns.

Hope this helps.

this is quite helpful.
0 votes
I used Syndicate RSS to load q2a using rss, and set it to automatically import as a post. The post then set as pending in WP. After review, I can set it to publish or not.