Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+47 votes
in Q2A Core by
closed by
Please post your suggestions in answers to this question, or vote on other people's suggestions.
closed with the note: Thread finished.
1. Poll
2. If neccessary to enable reCAPTCHA on login page, comment pages after confirm, feedback page
3 . Subcategories
4 . Tag cloud in footer
5 . Facebook "I Like" plugin with some functions for position in site
I think that it needs a twitter auto-share feature
Is this the oldest post of this forum?
I suspect for some reason the pagination is not working correctly!
I mean I want to reach out to older posts, however this is the oldest page I could get to

33 Answers

–2 votes
Also would love to see this site offer SAAS subscriptions to Q2A, and have a nicer cleaner design.

I am sure we can find a theme from themeforest or CSS hub and rework it to make this site more elegant.  The SAAS option would be great, to pay $10 - $25 per month for a Q2A site with domain mapping, (DNS) and or subdomains.

I could do some of this work in Classic ASP if interested.
+2 votes
Some Suggestions
  • Tag Manager on administrator console. This is very important because users need tags that are easily accessible and will be easier to edit misspelled tags or so.
  • Custom fields for users which are editable by Administrators only. (In case we want to give any special title or info about user)
  • Custom icons for categories and tags. (In my case i have sponsors who wants their logo to be shown on tags or categories)
  • Fully customizable language for urls. It would be great if we can just change language for url names for ask, questions,un-answered etc. in language files.
  • on main pages showing question content in tooltip of the title link maybe using jquery or javascript for better visual interface. which shows user avatar and his/her question content.
  • Twitter integration. It is easy to implement this from twitter as a script but would be a nice feature as plugin
+3 votes

3 SEO Suggestions :

  1. To make the pages more SEO-friendly, make the links "answered" and "<username>" as no-follows. This will really help the "link juice" flow much better.
  2. Another suggestion for being more SE friendly - keeping the layout the same, can the code for the "categories" etc be inserted towards the end? i.e. it is important that the SE reads the unique content first - in each page the "title" (or question) and the "actual answers and comments" are the uniq content on each page. If these can be shown much higher in the HTML source (that the SE bot reads) it will really help SEO efforts.
  3. Any chances of keeping javascript code in external files, if applicable? The main SEO problem here is there a LOT of code in each page. The code/content ratio is very high, especially if there are just a couple of answers, this discourages the Search Engine from indexing the page. Can something be done to reduce the code on each page? Can anything be "externalized"?
–2 votes
edited by
Voting on comments.
Seems to be working well at StackOverflow!
+3 votes
Following users and tags.

See Askville: http://askville.amazon.com/UserProfile.do?userId=4152794
+3 votes

1. Poll
2. If neccessary to enable reCAPTCHA on login page, comment pages after confirm, feedback page
3 . Subcategories
4 . Tag cloud in footer
5 . Facebook "I Like" plugin with some functions for position in site

6 . Statistics about site: how many Q, how many A, how many users, how many categ., how many subcateg., how many Q answered, how many Q unswered ... etc

+1 vote
API For Getting Answers using external PHP code
Look in qa-app-posts.php
Thanks i am using the function qa_post_get_question_answers($questionid); but getting error undeifined offset 1
Use print_r() to view the contents of what that function returns, and you should understand why you're getting that error.
Thank u soooooooooo Much It worked :-)
@gidgreen: As a lot of developers don't see what those arrays contain, you might want to add the print_r() tip to the doc.
+1 vote

1- List of online users below the index page qustions

2-online users in qustion pages in the recent one hour

–1 vote

I actually contribute to OCS Q&A Forum : http://ask.ocsinventory-ng.org/ :

I think this feature missing :

- I don't see a way to identify new message since my last connection on OCS Q&A forum.

- and connect feature, would be usefull mark all post as read.

"- I don't see a way to identify new message since my last connection on OCS Q&A forum."
http://ask.ocsinventory-ng.org/updates ?
Is that what you mean?

No it's not what I mean.

"I don't see a way to identify new message since my last connection on OCS Q&A forum."

Time 0 : I read "all" post on the forum and logout
Time 1 : New post created by other people
Time 2 : I search a way to see only New post created by other people between Time 0 and Time 2

"my update" feature just show me update on my post. It would be usefull to see all updated and new posts between two loggin.

haven't see this feature if it exist.

Hi again

I see that there is a "Recent questions and answer" feature when i connect.

But don't see a way to get it back after reading some post.

Is there a way to see post that i've already ready clearly?

Is there a way to mark a post as read?

It is not possible from the core. I have already discussed this here. Read the comments: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/38740

thank for the link
